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MIT 3D Campus Model

A virtual 1:1 model of the MIT campus that I designed, modeled, textured, lightmapped, and rendered in Unity.

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The MIT campus is a project I decided to start as a challenge: virtualizing their campus as close as possible using readily available texturing material online while also modeling, optimizing, and UV-mapping all the models by hand. The models, UVs, and Texture editing were 100% done by me, eyeballed from readily available material off the internet.

One of the highlights of this project was MIT’s Stata Center, the famous building that looks wobbled and uneven intentionally.

Other parts, like the famous dome and Killian Court, were also done with great attention to detail.

Photograph (top) vs my 3D render (bottom)

The final result was astoundingly close to the actual thing. I was able to maintain real-time performance without sacrificing render-like quality using Unity’s PBR graphics. The end result had just over 66k polygons for the entire campus (excluding effects and trees).